Get Ready For Holi!

In an annual display of color, Dharma, Harvard’s Hindu students organization, is hosting the undergraduate Holi celebration this Saturday at 1 p.m. on the MAC Quad (though festivities begin at 11 a.m. in the Winthrop JCR!).
Don’t know what Holi is? The Hindu festival of colors commemorates the beginning of spring. Festivities typically begin the night before with prayers and rituals, followed by the main celebration, when participants throw colored powders and liquids on one another, sing, dance, eat, and drink. An important holiday, Holi has spread throughout the United States and the world, celebrated in Hindu homes, college campuses, and major cities.
It’s not like you’ll be doing anything else super important at this time, so why not smear paint on your classmates and learn about the holiday and Hindu religion? And if we celebrate the beginning of spring, maybe it actually will become the beginning of spring? Seems like good logic to us.
Just remember: Don’t forget to wear clothes you wouldn’t mind getting a little dirty!