What Harvard Researchers Caught You Doing In Lecture

You probably thought you were fine skipping the majority of your 200-person lectures last semester (hey, you got an A- anyway), but it turns out that someone was watching. People are crying Big Brother because, in a move reminiscent of a certain former dean's lack of respect for privacy, the University approved a study monitoring lecture attendance that involved photographing students without their knowledge. The results of the study have not been released, but we can guess what they probably caught you doing when you did show up:
1. Sleeping. We know you’ve been there.
2. Facebook stalking that special someone from your entryway. Also, praying that none of that someone’s friends are sitting behind you.
3. Zoning out. While staring blankly in the direction of the professor doesn’t actually help you learn, it does at least make you look like you’re paying attention, so maybe the professors behind the secret camera couldn’t tell.
4. Various embarrassing and unsubtle actions: Nose picking, crotch scratching, outfit adjusting… yeah, we saw you. And we’re judging you.
5. Reading Flyby. Because there’s no better time than lecture to catch up on what really matters at Harvard that day.