Your Dorm Room is Terrifying

It's the start of Halloweekend, and unfortunately being at school usually means missing out on the quintessential haunted house experience. Of course, there are haunted locations in and around Boston, but in case you’ve already indulged in too much candy corn to leave your dorm, it doesn't mean you have to miss out! Honestly, your room is probably already the stuff of nightmares. Here are some of the pretty scary things that are all around you every day!
Your Dirty Dishes
The swarm of fruit flies you’ll attract will make the night air look especially foggy, and the moldy food sticking to your plates is the real American Horror Story.
Your Laundry
As if the dishes weren’t enough of a mess, the weeks of clothes you keep telling yourself you’ll get around to washing tomorrow are piled high enough to create a maze of ungodly stains and smells in your room.
The Lamonster Roommate
She’s finally returned from her third consecutive all-nighter. You’d best steer clear unless you want to face the wrath of an exhausted, unshowered maniac on the way to turn in that pset seconds before it’s due.
The Freshman 15
This manifests itself in the empty beer cans and greasy Insomnia boxes littering the floor of your room. Just try to fit back into the clothes that were already tight when you moved in.