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Harvard: 4 Out of 5 Would Recommend


For those of you with family and friends who are just dying to get the Harvard experience but don't have the time to visit campus, worry no more! Here are all the highlights of the Harvard life pulled straight from the most reliable source on the web—Yelp! We’ve taken the time to craft this handy list of sights, sounds, and tastes (don’t lick the foot) we think best encapsulate Harvard. You’re welcome!

1. “The campus actually is smaller than I imagined,” writes Jill from California.
Clearly Jill didn’t make any freshman year party crawls from the Yard to the River to the Quad to the River and finally to Tasty Burger.

2. “Rub the shoe at the John Harvard statue,” suggests Keith from Texas.
Keith, I know exactly how you feel. *zips up fly*
Meanwhile, Evelyn from California rumors “I was told the students pee on the toe others kiss and touch for luck. Classy!”
Blasphemy! Now why is my zipper jammed?

3. “I actually helped Mark [Zuckerberg] invent Facebook. One day while stuffing our faces with fantastic lobster gnocchi made by the Harvard dining hall chefs…”
Who told HUDS to do away with lobster gnocchi? Can we get this back on the menu? I’m okay with cutting one of the eight varieties of swai.

4. “Rude, obnoxious, snobby, and evil,” says Megan from Massachusetts.
Sounds like somebody loved her Ec 10 section!

5. “I don’t like how they check your bags when you leave the library even though you have to swipe your student ID to get in.”
But what else would I be carrying in this Gutenberg Bible-sized backpack?

6. “Not too far from Harvard Square,” says Chris from Massachusetts. 
Thank you Captain Obvious. We salute your Yalie level of intellect.

7. “This place would have been a lot cooler if I didn’t get rejected…” confesses Camellia from California.
Hug it out, girl. Hug it out.