Dean Pfister Sends His Own Emails

The College’s new interim dean is now two for two in sending emails from accounts in his very own name.
Last semester, undergraduates received several emails signed by then-Dean of the College Evelynn M. Hammonds that were sent, for some reason, from Ad Board Secretary John “Jay” L. Ellison’s account.
But on Monday, College students found in their inboxes a note signed and delivered by Dean Donald H. Pfister with some information on the new administrator’s office hours and reading habits.
In the email, Pfister highlighted his outdoor interview with Fifteen Minutes magazine, welcomed Harvard’s newest varsity sport (women’s rugby), and—Flyby’s personal favorite—gave us an update on what he’s been reading for fun. Apparently, pleasure reading for a systematic botanist is “The Flower of Empire: An Amazonian Water Lily, the Quest to Make it Bloom, and the World it Created" by Tatiana Holway.
“Yes, it is plant biology but it is also interesting reading for those thinking about global exploration and social history,” Pfister wrote, adorably. “Next up perhaps a good mystery.”
We will be eagerly awaiting any future book recommendations.