Dean Pfister has a Facebook Fan Page!

Interim Dean of the College Donald H. Pfister surprised students yesterday with another email in their inboxes—this time telling them that they looked like they could “Use A Cupcake”—and that same day, an anonymous samaritan publicly celebrated the dean’s quirkiness by creating a Facebook fan page in his honor.
According to the description of the page—which is aptly titled “Dean Pfister”—it exists to celebrate “the words, wisdom, and fungal knowledge of our well-loved interim Dean of the College.” So far, over 90 “Pfister Pfans” (check out the page’s URL) have liked the page.
The Facebook page’s first post references Pfister’s Thursday email to undergraduates—one of several this semester. Some of Flyby’s favorite musings from the dean’s emails include mystery novel recommendations, descriptions of Harvard trees, and most recently, allusions to the possibility of his distributing cupcakes as a reading period snack.