The Big Decision: Harvard or Yale?

On April 1, a few hundred high school seniors found themselves in a truly terrible situation: having to choose between Harvard and Yale. The majority of cross-admits consistently matriculate to Harvard, so the Yale Daily News talked to some college freshmen to figure out why.
Many of the roughly 65 percent of cross-admits who opt for Harvard every year base their decisions on location and reputation, according to the YDN. For Harvard undergraduate Ben J. Marek ’14, New Haven couldn’t compare to Boston when it comes to culture and proximity to other colleges.
Talhah Zubair ’14 and Dany Jradi ’14 were swayed by the fact that a Harvard degree carries extra weight years after graduation. “If you say the Harvard name, it will open doors for you, not just in the U.S. but internationally as well,” Zubair told the YDN.
Many students chose Yale because of its “more laid-back atmosphere,” according to the article. Cross-admit Stephanie Kan, Yale ’14, said she found that many Harvard students spent their free time studying. But maybe she should talk to Marek, who revealed to the YDN that parties at Harvard “abound.”
Kan admitted to the YDN, “I still wonder if I might be missing out on something in turning down Harvard.”
Our opinion? You just might be.
Photo by The Harvard Crimson.