Hasty Pudding Reveals All

Tuesday night may have been Ladies’ Night at the Hasty Pudding Theatrical’s presentation of “Commie Dearest”, but those sitting in the audience got a glimpse of a whole lot of man.
Alma H. Lafler ’13, who was attending the show with the girls of the Harvard sailing team, told us that during halftime, the announcer said that the men of the tech team had prepared a special dance for the ladies. As the crew filed out onto the stage in doctor’s scrubs, Lafler said there was a general feeling that the men's clothes wouldn’t stay on for long. “During the performance, I was like, ‘Hey, I know one of those guys—that’s my math TF,’ and then they lifted him up and another guy ripped off his boxers. The lights went out a second after that."
Joseph J. Vitti ‘10, who has let it all hang out for the show’s intermission show for three years now, said that Tuesday’s performance left him a bit more exposed than those in the past. Although the lights were supposed to shut off a second after his boxers were torn off, they stayed on a couple seconds too long, enough time for the audience to take everything in.
“This year, I think that people were too intimidated to approach me after the show because they got to see the whole enchilada. In past years they would come up and be like, ‘Oh, you’re that dude,’” said Vitti.
As if it weren’t hard enough to focus during Math 1b already, those ladies lucky(?) enough to see a side of Vitti not usually aired in the classroom now have something else to distract them. Concentration during office hours with this TF will probably be even more difficult for any girl who has seen his well-defined function.