Porn or No Porn?

Regardless of your opinion, dropping it in conversation will always provoke a reaction.
This was evident in a heated e-mail chain that circulated on the Cabot-open mailing list early Tuesday morning. Titled "Is there a right to watch porn?", the thread debated the moral, ethical, and economic grounds of pornography. We've got a run-down on the action for you.
The Yeas:
"Pornography is protected under freedom of speech. And since someone raised the question of whether there is a right to watch pornography, I feel compelled to ask the following: Do people have the right to impose their religious or moral beliefs by requiring that able-minded adults do not watch pornography?"
Props for knowing what's up legally.
The Nays:
"Sure, people have the right to do what they want in the privacy of their own home. But people who watch porn are absolutely contributing to sexual exploitation of men and women, endangering others' health, and perpetuating unrealistic expectations about male and female bodies, sex, and relationships that have very real consequences on how real people interact with and treat others in society."
The "Pressing" Question:
"If God didn't want us to watch porn, why did he permit computer geeks to invent private browsing?"
Well, Sarah Palin wonders: "If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?"
The Hits-Below-the-Belt Comment:
"Can I just raucously LOL at this thread? Or would that be immature?"