On hunger strike?

Adams has long stood out for its restrictive dining policies, though FlyBy has a pretty good record of getting our food there come dinner time. But last night, the House with the convenient, if dimly lit, dining hall took interhouse restrictions to a new level.  The absurdity after the jump.

Beginning at around 6 p.m., proud Adams resident and FM columnist Vinnie Chiappini clambered into a turquoise lifeguard chair and heckled mercilessly into his megaphone at non-residents from his perch. Those denied swipe access were given mere seconds to scan the dining hall for a friendly Adamsian face before Chiappini and his helpers broke into a rousing chorus of a hearty tune as the meek freshman or quadling slunk away in red-faced shame.

It wasn't until after an hour of House-wide schadenfreude that Chiappini attended to the more worldly needs of his digestive tract.

"I'm stepping down because I'm hungry," he blared into the megaphone at 7 P.M. "It's been an hour-long hunger strike for me."

Good thing FlyBy has Pfoho immunity.


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