Princeton Students Attempt Humor

Flyby hears that writers of Princeton Tiger, Princeton's humor magazine, totally, genuinely, and completely drove up to Harvard the Friday over Thanksgiving break to give upperclassmen some hot breakfast.
From the Prox (The Daily Princetonian's lesser version of Flyby):
"The volunteers, all students belonging to Princeton's humor magazine, The Princeton Tiger, used their fall recess to drive to Cambridge in order to help their less fortunate peers. 'Everyone's hurting in this economy,' said Steven Liss, Chairman of The Tiger."
Harvard's response? "I don't eat breakfast, anyway," Roshane K. Campbell '12 said.
Way to be grounded and understand the plight of the "less fortunate," editors of The Tiger. Oh, and Flyby just received some breaking news: editors of The Harvard Lampoon, a semi-secret Sorrento Square social organization that occasionally used to publish a so-called humor magazine, recently announced that they'll be driving down to Princeton to serve as stand-in butlers for the few that the university had to lay off due to its own budget cuts....