Free Food (and More) From the UC

With reading period happening before winter break this year, someone has to provide the holiday goodies Mom used to stuff us with at home to ease the stress of finals. Luckily, the UC has put away all the election drama to offer their version of comfort food with a Reading Period Giveaway.
However, in an effort to create excitement or, we suspect, boost their following online, the UC has chosen to keep their giveaway schedule under wraps until Reading Period actually begins. Students will have to check Facebook, Twitter, or the UC Juicy blog between Dec. 4-11 to find out how to get their hands on free food and drinks.
Granted, out mothers wouldn’t exactly approve of loading up on caffeine to facilitate pulling all-nighters (the menu includes coffee, energy drinks, and other “fueling boosters”), but we will certainly appreciate the UC's effort. After all, there will also be some healthier options, including breakfast sandwiches and smoothies from Quincy Grille and possibly frozen yogurt from Berryline.
And if you’re really trying to avoid the Freshman Fifteen, there's something for you too—not everything being given away is edible. The UC will also be hosting a “Stressbusters” event that will include free backrubs.
Whether all of this is a desperate ploy to inspire a virtual fan base or a genuine attempt to curb the stress of cramming for finals, one thing's for sure: no one’s saying no to free stuff.