Free University Stays Without Authorization

Without University authorization, the Free University continued into its second day of activities at Lawrence Hall, planning work-shops, crafts, films, and a community "play-care center."

After meeting with the Faculty Council yesterday, Deans May and Dunlop stated that the Free University's use of Lawrence Hall "has not been authorized, nor has permission for use of the building as yet been requested."

In their joint statement, the deans said that "present assignment of space in Lawrence Hall had been reduced to a minimum because the building is scheduled for demolition to make way for the new Science Center."

"I suppose what they mean is that they don't want to say it's all right to use this place but they don't want to get rid of us right now," said a Free University participant.

Free University members acknowledged that they had not formally asked the administration for permission to use the building, because, as one student said, "I don't know who would ask them, since we have no leaders."

Students reported, however, that Buildings and Grounds had visited the building, making repairs to insure compliance with safety regulations.

Free University students announced preparations for a community "play-care center" which they plan to open Wednesday at Lawrence Hall. They will construct a playground today on the lawn in front of Lawrence Hall.

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