Tiddlywinkers Win


Harvard tiddlywinkers had a new experience Saturday. They won. Encouraged by the spirited music of the Harvard band and by cries of "Squidge, Harvard, squidge" and "Hold that Squab," from a partisan audience, the Gargoyle Undergraduate Tiddlywink Society (GUTS) defeated a novice Holy Cross team by the convincing score of 23-12.

The outcome was never in doubt as Harvard, strengthened by frequent "sherry breaks," placed first in all three matches, GUTS now considers itself champion of the National Undergraduate Tiddlywink Society (NUTS).

Gargoyle president and Master of the Winks, Fred Goldberg, claimed that the victory was especially impressive since GUTS was playing without its ace, Leon "Squidge in One" Jacobson. Apparently Leon once accepted a candy bar for winning a match in his native England, and the Eastern Collegiate Tiddleywink Society has challenged his amateur status.

As part of a lively half time show, Bill Rothman, a Gargoyle staff member, made a speech in which he tried to sound like President Kennedy and during which he broke a Phillips House chair.

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