The Club Mount Auburn 47 re-opened this weekend under membership and operating provisions which are intended to comply with recent suggestions of the Middlesex Superior Court.

Returning to operation for the first time since they were closed by Cambridge police October 30, the Club has instituted what it considers a "stricter membership policy."

Before the Club was closed the membership was $50, payable in installments of $1 per visit. The installment provision will remain the same but several new categories of membership will now be offered. A sustaining membership which allows the admission of a free guest will be granted after the payment of $20. Upon reaching the $25 plateau, both the member and his guest will be admitted free of charge.

Application forms will now be filed by all prospective members and, according to Club manager Paula Kelly, there will be special functions open only to paid members. In addition, the membership will now elect the officers of the organization and vote on the programming of its activities.

Assistant District Attorney E. J. Bentas, who prosecuted the case against the Club, visited there this weekend and, according to Miss Kelly, had decided to join.

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