"We Know All the Antlers," Says "Deathless Deer" Club


Deemed a worthy successor to the far-famed "Lowell Mole Patrol" and the much-touted "Take the Wrinkles Out of Pruneface's Face Association," the "Deathless Deer" club has been initiated by the B-School in recognition of the Boston Herald's new comic strip, product of the fiendish imagination of two girls, Alicia Patterson nd Neisa McMein.

Planning to hold a meeting in the Stag Club soon, the group has resolved to join the Elks and the Mooses in a discussion on the possibilities of "Long Dialogue in the Modern Comic Strip," "Sending Dance Hall Girls' Little Sisters To Yale," and "The Place of the Egyptian sacred Bird in the Development of Modern Slang."

Members are instructed to come prepared for a lot of bulling and to bring plenty of doe. So come in out of the rain, deers, and drink your fill with the "Deathless Deer" Club.

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