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Viciously attacking the CRIMSON'S suggestion that Dr. Ernst F. S. Hanfstaengl 09, here on his 25th reunion trip, be given an honorary degree by Harvard, a letter signed by Major Frank Pease was received by the CRIMSON several days ago. Major Pease hastened to make public parts of the letter which aroused added interest in the newspapers.
The CRIMSON, curious to learn of Major Pease's connections, and in order to obtain material substantiation of the serious charges in the letter, attempted to get into communication with Major Pease.
Address Elections
The telegraph company stated that he could not be reached at the address given, 51 Fifth Avenue, and that the address was fictitious. According to an International News Service dispatch to a Boston newspaper in July, 1932, he was deported from England with his wife on the charge of "activities against the public interest".
The Alumni Office of Radcliffe College corroborates his statement that Mrs. Pease is a graduate of the Class of 1909, but they deny that she was graduated with honors.
It is not known whence Mr. Pease came by the title of Major. He cannot be located in the Army Register of regular and reserve officers.
Parts of the letter are unprintable but the following are excepts which could get by the censor: 551 Fifth Avenue, Room 720, New York City, June 14th, 1934.
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
As one Yank to another Yank, permit me to assure you that I'm holding my temper with both hands so as to be able to address you an informative and courteous letter, apropos your reported "honors" for that Sweinic--, Herr Dekter Ernst Hanfstangl, and so writing you wholly upon the assumption that you and your confreres simply don't yet know, inst what sort of a proper Hanfstaengl is.
I assure you don't know, 'cause, as a Yauk, you'd never is a million years give him the ballyhoo you are quoted as proposing if you did know.
Let me tell you that a Radcliffe girls, Class of 1000, was laughed at by this Sweinie, less than a year ago, at the Amerika Institute in Berlin, where she had, appeared in protest at haying been brutally beaten, kicked threatened, frightened near to death, and was black and blue from head to foot that very moment. She had been dragged from her hotel in her night robe, flung into a stone ice-cold cell, held there incommunicado for 28, hours "Bertillioned," beaten sneered at, threatened with sexual assault, witnessing the beating to death of some poor Jew before her cell there, lost her voice from fright, scared by a huge police dog being sicked onto her, kept from a toilet all the 28 hours, flung into a filthy bath tub where the outlet was plugged up from vomit broken teeth and the hair of other victims, and on top of it all, caught pleurisy, from which she nearly died in Brussels, and was fiat on her back for two months, and is still badly injured from it all.
Hanfeatengl laughed at all that. And you propose to give the -- "honors". The only honors he's entitled to are funeral wreaths made out of the splattered brains and broken bones of his victims.
The lady is my wife. She happens also to be a Radcliffe highest honors graduate, a first cousin too, of Harvard's former president, Abbott Lawrence Lowell, You will find her name on the 1909 record of Radcliffe, and in her day was not entirely unknown on the Campus generally.
These above outrages were perpetrated by Brown Shirts for the purpose of attempting to frighten and squeeze out of my wife valuable securities she was supposed (assumed) by them to have with her: a plain attempt at robbery.
That's the sort of people the notorious "Center" of the Nazi Party are, It will all soon be public news, and I do therefore earnestly caution you to watch your step with Hanfstaengl. Frank Pease (Maj.)
P. S. Incidentally, it may interest you to learn that the Nazi Party is a genuinely red party, as you can understand from the foreign correspondent's gag, about its "The Nazl Party we call the 'beefsteak party brown outside, red inside."
Cripes, fells, we thought we were in America when we got back, not in Swineland. My wife ins't coming to her Twenty-fifth Reunion. Cambridge isn't big enough for the two of 'em.
All Hanfstaengl had to say was: Where are those securities now? I'd like to have some American Locomotive securities myself!"
Believe it or not, Mr. Editor, heads will roll in the dust before this fight is over, before the "Friends of New Germany and the Foes of Old America" are skidded back to Swineland. And if you haven't heard the news yet at Harvard, why, I am betraying no confidences when I tell you that every day the new secret organization, American Defenders, are swearing a scared oath that America will never be Sweiniezed. F. P.
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