Lake Intimates Only Way To Satisfy Both Friends and Opponents--Will Stay Here Second Half Year


Professor Kirsopp Lake, who yesterday resigned from the Winn Professorship of Ecclesiastical History and severed all his connections with the Harvard Theological School, has been appointed a professor in the faculty of Arts and Sciences and will continue to give his courses in the college.

It is understood that the action of the well-known professor of ecclesiastical history in resigning was prompted by the alleged move on the part of certain members of the Theological School to oust him following the granting of a divorce to their colleague during the summer. The Corporation refused to take any action on the matter in its last meeting, and Professor Lake's many friends among both professors and students protested vigorously against any such possibility.

Professor Lake intimated yesterday that he felt his move was the best solution to the situation, satisfying both his friends in the College and his opponents in the Theological School.

The famous authority on ecclesiastical history came to Harvard from the University of Leyden in 1913, and received in 1919 the Winn Professorship which he held up to yesterday. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Sciences and the author of numerous books on ecclesiastical history and biblical exegesis.

During the past few years, Professor Lake has alternated on giving English 35 A and B during the first half year, courses on the Old and New Testament which have proved very popular. In the second half year it has been his custom to conduct exploring expeditions in Palestine but this year he will give English 35 B during the second half year.

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