Scholarship Established in Memory of Francis H. Burr '09--Dunker Is President of Student Council.


Henry Traugott Dunker '25, of Davenport, lowa, president of the Student Council, veteran football guard, captain of the track team, and member of Phi Beta Kappa, has been awarded the Francis H. Burr Scholarship, it was announced last night. The scholarship is offered in memory of Francis H. Burr '09, for the senior who combines as nearly as possible Burr's remarkable qualities of character, leadership, scholarship, and athletic ability.

Dunker, entered the University from Phillips Exeter Academy in the fall of 1921. He was a member of his Freshman football team, and captained his Freshman track team: He was active also in other class and college activities. Last year he competed in England as a member of the combined Yale-Harvard track team against Oxford and Cambridge. For three years he has been a regular guard on the football team, and was one of the first eight men in his class to be elected to Phi Beta Kappa, in the Junior year. In all his college studies Dunker has received only one grade lower than "A", that being a "B". He received "A's" in six full courses and in 11 half courses.

Dunker last year behind an honorary John Harvard Scholarship, his work being of "very high academic distinction. He has been active in the social service work of Phillips Brooks House, and for two year one of three undergraduate members on the Committee on Regulation of Athletic Sports.

Last year the Burr Scholarship was awarded to Charles Joseph Hubbard Jr. '24 of Milton, football captain, and First Marshal of his class. Two years ago this scholarship went to Joseph Sill Clark Jr. '23, of Chestnut Hill, Pa. Clark played on the baseball team and was a sprinter on the track team.

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