An exhibition of "the new stagecraft" will be held in the studio of Mr. Sam Hume, at 38 Church street, during the afternoons and evenings of the present week, beginning with today. The hours of exhibition for today, Thursday and Friday will be from 4 till 7 o'clock in the afternoon, while those for tomorrow and Saturday will be from 4 until 10 o'clock.

Mr. Hume, who will be remembered by his recent activities in the 47 Workshop and the Dramatic Club, has gathered together a collection of photographs and stage-models that illustrate, probably to a greater extent than any exhibit heretofore, the methods, advantages, and picturesque results of the modern ideas of stage-setting, Gordon Craig and Max Reinhardt, foremost in the new methods in Italy, Germany, Russia, and other European countries, Joseph Urban, Livingston Platt, who contrived the settings for Miss Anglin's Shakespearean productions, and many other artists, including Leon Bakst, Fitz Erler, and Robert E. Jones will be represented by models, sketches, photographs, and designs of stage settings and costumes. One of the most interesting departments of the exhibition will be the models made to scale, and especially one large working model of the newer type of German stage, with which Mr. W. W. Roney will exhibit the concrete sky dome, sliding stages, and diffused lighting.

Prominent speakers have been secured to talk on the different aspects of the art illustrated by Mr. Hume's collection. This afternoon and on Wednesday evening Mr. Frank Chouteau Brown, a Boston architect, will speak from the architectural point of view.

Professor George P. Baker '87 will speak on "Granville Barker and his Late Shakespearean Productions" tomorrow afternoon at 4.30. On Thursday afternoon, Mr. Crawford of Yale will talk on "The Modern Playwright and his Relation to the Newer Staging" and on Friday Mr. Thomas Wood Stevens, of the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh will speak. H. K. Moderwell '11, dramatic critic of the Transcript, will speak on Saturday afternoon and evening.

The admission to any session of the exhibition will be 50 cents.

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